Thursday, May 11, 2006

Backpacking Ideas

Backpacking Filter
After spending late nights and early mornings crouching on two slippery rocks over a bubbling creek on backpacking trips while pumping water through a handheld filter I have thought of a better way to get clean water into water bottles. Most backpacking pumps today require a push pull method in which the water from the creek is sucked into a tube, up into a filter, and out into a water bottle via another tube. The idea is a good one. The mechanics, however, are not only uncomfortable, but time consuming and slow. And so, I propose a backpacking water filter in which the user spins an arm in a circular motion to pump water from creek to bottle. Picture a hand crank winch. The idea is quite similar. Circular motion converted to pumping action which results in purified water. Why go to the trouble to redisgn water filtration devices? The result would be far supieror because a simple smooth circular motion would move the water instead of the choppy up and down method currently used. If made correctly no one would ever buy the current styles me.

Poncho/Tarp/Emergency Shelter
Ok now...give this one a chance. A super poncho. This poncho could be used as a tarp for under tents or as a shelter to cook your food under on a rainy evening. Now maybe you are saying you can already do this with existing tarps or ponchos. This is where you are wrong. Poncho's have a head hole that would leaking and unreliable as a tarp and unless you cut a hole in the middle of a tarp you can obviously not use it as a poncho. Picture a poncho hood that snaps, buttons, clicks...somehow connects itself to the other side of the hole and as material that goes over it to prevent water from flowing in. Use some imagination, it is hard to describe. Next, to aid the weary wet camper, this tarp/poncho can be used to make a quick shelter for cooking. It would be equiped with eyelets and the necessary buckles and straps that would allow the camper to easily resurrect a nice shelter with the help of a couple trees.

If you ever see one of these things out there. I want it!


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